33rd Biennial Cornea Conference
June 7, 2024 by · Leave a Comment
Registration and Announcement:

Sponsored by Harvard Ophthalmology in Partnership with the Champalimaud Foundation
October 3 – 5, 2024 · Champalimaud Foundation
OSKON 2023: 4th Ocular Surface and Keratoprosthesis Conference
January 10, 2023 by · Leave a Comment
OSKON 2023, on August 25-27, 2023
Registration and Announcement:
KPro Study Group Webinar Series II
May 7, 2020 by · Leave a Comment
KPro Webinar Series II, held on May 9, 2020
KPro Study Group Webinar Series
April 30, 2020 by · Leave a Comment
KPro Webinar Series I, held on May 2, 2020
KPro Invited Courses at VIII World Cornea Congress
February 11, 2020 by · Leave a Comment
Dear KPro aficionados,
Two important announcements:
1) Professor James Chodosh and the MEEI team are planning the meeting ”Boston Keratoprosthesis Type I: Fundamentals and New Directions” to be held at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 from 12 noon to 5 PM, with reception to follow. Send reservations to Larisa Gelfand (larisa_Gelfand@meei.harvard.edu)
2) The VIII World Cornea Congress held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, has an Invited Course on Thursday May 14, 2020, organized by the KPro Society with topics (preliminary program link):
“Updates in KPro Studies”
- Update on the international database for KPro as a primary penetrating procedure; P3KPRO study
- CXL and KPro clinical trial update
- Five year follow up of PANKPRO study; Latin American countries
- Matched control in data analysis of KPRO
“New approaches/Materials/Devices”
- Tubes versus Laser in KPro
- Modifications to current KPro/MOOKP
- Update on Keraklear artificial cornea, US trial
Time and speakers are unknown at this time. We will keep abreast of new developments.
All the best,
Jose de la Cruz, Secretary General
Jean-Marie Parel, Associate Secretary General
2019 KPro Round Tables Meeting-Miami
August 30, 2019 by · Leave a Comment
Meeting Announcement: The Gray Zone Between KPro and OOKP
NB: Personal laptop presentations could not be recorded, audio only.
To all KPro aficionados,
We will have a KPro Study Group 2019 Round Table meeting, chaired by Professor Eduardo Alfonso, on October 19, 2019, Noon to 5pm, at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute’s Jose Berrocal Auditorium situated in the Anne Bates Leach Eye Center, 900 NW 17 street, Miami, FL 33136, USA.
Meeting title: “The Gray Zone; Between KPro and OOKP”
Purpose: Define a bridge between MOOKP, Boston KPro and newer mesoplants
Format: Round Table Discussion with panelist for case presentations
- Variations to Boston KPRO technique in specific cases
- What brings up the need for OOKP?
- OOKP in Europe/Asia vs OOKP in America
- How to bridge the Gap between Boston KPro and MOOKP?
- Materials in artificial corneas/keratoprosthesis
- New devices and where do they fit in the spectrum of artificial corneas
Presentations: each topic will begin with a short introductory talk followed by a moderated discussion session of panelist and audience based on short presented cases.
If you wish
– to attend, please email: jmparel@med.miami.edu
– to present your results, please email: jnapoli@hotmail.com & gamescua@med.miami.edu
Best regards,
Jose de la Cruz MD, Guillermo Amescua MD, Eduardo Alfonso MD, Jean-Marie Parel, PhD
NB: Lunch will be provided at noon, and presentations start at 1pm.
The KPro Round Table will be held the day before the start of “CURSO”, the XLI Inter-American Course in Clinical Ophthalmology that starts on Sunday October 20.
11th KPro Study Group Meeting
October 23, 2017 by · Leave a Comment
11th KPro Study Group Meeting in Barcelona
Preliminary Program
11th KPro Study Group Overview
11th KPro Study Group Program
This is a biannual meeting of keratoprosthesis (artificial cornea) experts and aficionados all over the world, whereby we exchange our experiences, new techniques and results of research for end stage corneal diseases which are otherwise deemed to blindness.
Organizer: Instituto Barraquer
Date: June 15, 2018 (time schedule: morning session 8:00 – 1:30 pm, afternoon session 3:00 – 7:00 pm) one day before the World Ophthalmology Congress
Venue: Cuatrecasas Auditorium, Avenida Diagonal 191, Barcelona (click for photos)
Meeting Title: Pearls and Pitfalls in KPro Surgery
Meeting Language: English (no simultaneous translation available)
Objectives of the meeting: The aim of the meeting is to teach beginning or aspiring KPro surgeons on how to make insightful decision making on when and when not to do KPro surgery, to wisely choose which kind of KPro for individual cases and to effectively manage, as well as prevent possible complications. Moreover, expert surgeons will impart their long-term experience.
Registration fee: 100 Euros (Register NOW)
Abstracts: will be organized as per topics 1-12 below and moderated by the 1st speaker and the organizers. Several abstracts have already been received and are under review. Meeting time and seats are limited. Please send your abstract as soon as possible. Submission Deadline: April 15, 2018
- Epidemiological studies and updates on present KPros – Jose de la Cruz (15 mins)
- Mesoplants: where are we headed for? – Jean Marie Parel (15 mins)
- When and Which KPro? – Christopher Liu (15 mins)
- KPros in pediatric cases – Kathryn Colby (15 mins)
- The Boston KPro alternatives for end-stage corneal blindness – James Chodosh (15 mins)
- Prevention and management of KPro complications – Geetha Iyer (15 mins)
- Glaucoma and KPro: how to approach the dilemma – Mona Dagher (15 mins)
- Retina and KPro: surgical techniques – Jeroni Nadal (15 mins)
- Visual loss thru time: why and how? – Rafael Barraquer (15 mins)
- Struggling with the KPro, a rookie´s point of view – Alja Crnej (10 mins), Mohammed Baghat (10 mins)
- Video symposium – participants are asked to send short videos (3 minutes each) on surgical pearls or special techniques to be commented on by a panel of experts.
- “Ask the Experts” moderated by Claes Dohlman
– Primary Boston KPro, why not? – Esen Akpek (10 mins)
– 40 years’ experience with tibia keratoprosthesis – Jose Temprano (10 mins)
– When to reconstruct the ocular surface and when to do KPro – José Luis Güell (10 mins)
– MOOKP in the U.S.A. – Victor Perez (10 mins)
– Different folks, different strokes: reconstructing techniques for extruded KPros – Jaime Etxebarria (10 mins)
– Treatment strategies to fight corneal blindness: let’s give KPro a break – Guillermo Amescua (10 mins)
In honor of late pioneers in keratoprosthesis surgery:
- Giancarlo Falcinelli Memorial Lecture – Giovanni Falcinelli (10 mins)
- Joaquin Barraquer Memorial Lecture – Elena Barraquer (10 mins)
Organizers and contacts:
For the Centro de Oftalmologia Barraquer
Maria Fideliz De la Paz & Victor Charoenrook
lizeldelapaz@yahoo.com charoenrook@barraquer.com
For the KPro Study Group Steering Committee
Jose de la Cruz, Secretary General & Jean-Marie Parel, Assoc. SG
jnapoli@hotmail.com jmparel@med.miami.edu
March 8, 2017 by · Leave a Comment
Spring 2017 KPro Study Group Meeting Video held at The Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University.
KPro Study Group Preliminary Program
Hosted by The Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University
Site Host: Esen Akpek MD
When: Monday May 8th,2017 4PM-7PM
Where: Wilmer Smith Building Atrium 400 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231
To attend the meeting please RSVP to: Sondra Hicks shicks13@jhmi.edu and Alex Gonzalez alexgonzalez@miami.edu
Working dinner to follow meeting.
10th KPro Study Group Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
December 29, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
Meeting Video
Meeting Photos
KPros: Past, Present and Future
Meeting Website http://www.congre.co.jp/kpro2016/
Host: Masahiko Fukuda
Honorary President: Yoshikazu Shimomura
Program Advisor: Christopher Liu
Department of Ophthalmology, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine
Final Program (click here)
1 Trials and tribulations
History of KPros
The demise of Cardona, Choyce, Legeais and AlphaCor devices
Key note speaker: Konrad Hille
Chairs: Donald Tan, Konrad Hille
2. Providing a service
Choosing a keratoprosthesis for your patient: To do or not to do, the role of the clinical psychologist, Setting up a KPro centre
Future prospect
Key note speaker: Christopher Liu
Chairs: Jean Marie Parel, Bernard Duchesne, Eduardo Alfonso (to be confirmed)
3. The OOKP
Rome-Vienna protocol
Variations on a theme
When there is no teeth: allograft, tibial, Pintucci and variation, Boston Type 2
Future prospect
Key note speaker: Johnny Falcinelli
Chairs: Masahiko Fukuda, Christopher Liu, Johnny Falcinelli
4. The Boston devices
Standard Boston Type 1 KPro
Skiing off piste: hostile ocular surface, dry eye, exposure Lucia and Indian variations Boston Type 2 LVP variation
Future prospect
Key note speaker: JAMES Chodosh
Chairs: Jim Chodosh, Jose de la Cruz, Shiro Amano
5. Dealing with complications I
- Glaucoma:
Detection of glaucoma
Medical management
Laser and Surgical management
- surface inflammation
- vitritis
- RPM:
- Lamina absorption:
Key note speaker: Donald Tan
Chairs: Soledad Cortina, Sayan Basu, Jose de la Cruz
6. Dealing with complications II
- Lid malposition and fornix reconstruction mucous membrane alterations and overgrowth cosmesis and orbital decompression Retinal detachment:
- VR surgery
- Hypotony
Key note speaker: Maria de la Paz
Chairs: Maria de la Paz, Johnny Falcinelli, Bernard Duchesne
7. Case presentation and future KPros
Chairs: Hiroshi Eguchi (Kinki University), Venkat Avadhanam, Geetha lyer
8. Special lecture: Ocular Surface Reconstruction by Prof. Shigeru Kinoshita
Chair: Masahiko Fukuda
9. Endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK vs DMEK)
Chairs: Jun Shimazaki, Satoru Yamagami
Key note speaker (DSAEK). Akira Kobayashi
Key note speaker (DMEK). Friedrich Kruse
10. Special DMEK course by Friedrich Kruse
Chair: Christopher Liu
11. Ocular surface reconstruction
Chairs: Shigeru Kinoshita, Donald Tan
Key note speaker: Kohji Nishida
Luncheon seminar 1 (Keratoplasty, Santen) Organizer: Yoshikazu Shimomura Speakers: Shigeto Shimmura, Masahiko Fukuda
Luncheon seminar 2 (Stevems-Johnson syndrome, Senju) Organizer: Christopher Liu, Masahiko Fukuda Speakers: James Chodosh, Tsutomu Inatomi
Morning seminar (corneal infection, Alcon) Organizer: Yoshitsugu Inoue Speakers: Noriko Koizumi, Satoru Yamagami
Call for Abstracts for Free Papers/Posters
Submission Deadline: February 29, 2016 –Abstract Submission Form
Presentation Types: Oral / Poster
Subject Categories:
- Trials and tribulations
- Providing a service
- The OOKP
- The Boston devices
- Dealing with complications I
Glaucoma, surface inflammation, vitritis, RPM, Lamina absorption - Dealing with complications II
Oculoplastic - Case presentation and future KPros
- Endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK vs DMEK)
- Ocular surface reconstruction
Other subjects are of course welcome.
Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure
Authors/Presenters at the meeting (including poster session presenters) will be required to disclose any financial interests related to the presentations. Disclosure information will be required at the time of submission.
•Abstracts must be submitted via E-mail by sending the Abstract Submission Form to: kpro2016@congre.co.jp
•The corresponding author will receive an email confirmation within seven days of submission.
Meeting Registration
uPre-Registration: October 30, 2015-March 22, 2016
Registration Fee: JPY30,000
*Payments can be made by credit card.
*Please ensure that you carry a printed copy of the registration confirmation email to facilitate the registration process.
uOn-Site Registration:
Please come to the On-site registration desk and proceed to the On-site payment.
Registration Fee: JPY35,000
*Payments can be made in Cash ONLY – NO checks, NO credit card
Social Program
uGala Dinner
Date: Friday, April 22, evening time
Venue: Kyoto Hotel Okura
Fee: included in the registration fee except for accompanying persons (JPY 5,000/person)
uOptional Tour
Kyoto city tour
Date: Friday, April 22, daytime
Cost: JPY 3,000/person (Lunch included)
* Booking will close if it reaches the maximum number of 40persons
*Booking is required for each program through meeting Pre-Registration.
uCancellation and Refund Policy
Cancellation notification must be submitted in writing to the Congress Secretariat by e-mail
The deadline to receive refund requests is Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
lMeeting registration
On/before March 22, 2016: 70% of the total amount will be refunded.
On/after March 23, 2016: NO REFUNDS.
lGala dinner (for accompanying person)
On/before March 22, 2016: 70% of the total amount will be refunded.
On/after March 23, 2016: NO REFUNDS.
lOptional tour
On/before March 22, 2016: 70% of the total amount will be refunded.
On/after March 23, 2016: NO REFUNDS.
Refunds will be refunded to the credit card company used
Kyoto is well known for one of the most popular tourist site in Japan and spring time is also a great time to visit. We therefore recommend early booking due to the high season in April.
Nippon Travel Agency Co., Ltd. has been appointed the official travel agent for this meeting and will handle accommodation
Click here for Hotel Map Click here for Hotel Booking
If you wish to book a cheaper accommodation, please refer to the following links;
Email to Secretariat for any queries; kpro2016@congre.co.jp
Meeting Website http://www.congre.co.jp/kpro2016/
KPro Study Group Round Tables at Barcelona, Spain.
August 24, 2015 by · Leave a Comment

As was announced late last year, a pre-EuCORNEA KPro Round Tables will occur on September 3, 2015 in Barcelona.
The preliminary program shows, we took a different approach for that meeting: instead of several formal presentations on a specific theme ending with a short discussion of all presentations, the Round Tables is more focused on discussions: each section will have moderators that will be in charge of starting discussions and pros and cons based on the cases presented by the presenters.
The case presenters in each section will make short presentation of cases. Each case presentation will be limited to 5 slides and one video. The total case presentation time will be limited to 5 minutes and then 7 minutes of discussion led by the moderators. Audience questions will be encouraged.
As the Round Tables starts in the afternoon (3pm = 15:00), we only had a few hours to work with and we therefore had to be very specific as to the selected topics and the number of presentations.
IMO has kindly offered to host the Round Tables
Please register directly at www.imo.es/kpro – the site also gives directions as how to get there.
We hope you will like the different format and, of course we hope to see you in Barcelona!